Problems>Solutions>Innovations - - Lyn Buchanan's CRV

Leading the viewer

One of the major problems of even having a monitor in the room with a viewer is that a monitor will almost always lead a viewer to find what the monitor is thinking the target to be. Even with highly trained monitors, the most subtle, barely perceptible reactions to any one of the viewer’s perceptions can lead the viewer astray. Some people even say that, if a monitor is absolutely perfect in his performance and makes no perceptible reactions whatever, he will react with pheromones or even telepathic rewards to those perceptions which he feels to be correct or incorrect. The viewer will unconsciously pick up on these cues from the monitor and be led in the direction the monitor believes the session should go. For these reasons, there is much controversy as to whether the monitor should take part in a session at all. Because of other jobs the monitor performs, however, the monitor is usually considered to be an invaluable asset to the viewer, in spite of any unintentional leading which may occur. When you have a good and trained monitor, the plusses definitely outweigh the minuses, but one must always remember that any time you have a monitor or anyone else in the viewing room, there will be an element of pollution.